
Fetal Brain Segmentation Using Deep Learning

Deep learning is no longer groundbreaking in the field of medical imaging. As outstanding developers have publicly released their source codes in public, it has been widely exploited not only for segmentation of tumor and brain injuries but also for clinical diagnostic services assisted by artificial intelligence. Pediatric radiologists have also kept their eyes on the applicability of deep learning technologies. In  in  utero   magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of pregnant women, brain segmentation is an important step to accurately assess the volumetric growth of the fetal brain, but technically challenging due to fetal and maternal motion and other physiological artifacts. Excellent scientists in Harvard Medical School began to demonstrate the feasibility of automatic segmentation of fetal brain using convolutional neural network (CNN) which is one of major deep learning technologies for image analyses [1]. Since last year, I have initiated a new...

Inexplicable Forgiveness: The Return of the Prodigal Son

“You reap what you sow.” A person who did good things would be blessed while a person who did evil things would be punished. This is the common sense. However, the words of the Lord in the Gospel look eccentric as the parable of the prodigal and his brother shows.( Luke 15:11-32 ) A younger son squandered his father’s properties in dissolute living, and returned to his father. As he confessed, he prominently had ungratefully sinned against heaven and before his father, and he might be no longer worthy to be called a son.( Luke 15:18-19 ) He felt guilty, frustrated, wretched, and worthless than pigs. He could never be embraced again as he imagined how his father would be rageful about what he had sinned. However, his father’s response completely went against his expectation. His father ran and put his arms around him and kissed him, and said, “my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found!” His father celebrated his return with music and dancing.( Luke 15:20-24 ) ...

Lucas' Prayer 1: Devotion

Heavenly Father God, who knows all my griefs and bitter tears, grant that my life is dedicated to you through true worships, for you are my true hope and everlasting life, who saved me from the inferno devastated with sins and grudges. Shepherd me to the way of love for enemies, so that I can turn my other cheek so far as forsaken by them, for it is nothing but your Crucifixion for me. Grant me to present all my flesh as a living sacrifice to you; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Further studies Matthew 5.39 Romans 12.1