Marathon gave me courage and hope

Race for Every Child 2017

I completed the full marathon course in Race for Every Child at October 21, 2017, starting from Trump International Hotel Washington, D.C. and turning around near United States Capitol and through Independence Ave. The Freedom plaza was crowded with lots of participants, volunteers, and children. When the race began, I was especially very impressed by young women who were pushing a baby carriage but running very fast in an indifferent way. They inspired me to an indomitable "Never-Say-Die" spirit such that I can do as they do. My pace was relatively slower than others and lagged behind the others on the race, but I never stopped and finally crossed the finish line. It was the first but extraordinary experience which gave me great courage and hope although it was very challenging for me to run 5 Km. The marathon was designed to support the Children's National Health System by making a donation so that better medical care can be provided for sick children.
