We Live by Grace

Someone suggested me to read an article by Pomnyun, a renowned Korean Buddhist monk. He told me, "The Bible is not always practical for us living in modern society. This Pomnyun's article is very inspirational for me to change my life dramatically. I highly recommend to read his article and apply for your life." This article's teaching suggests that human life is just a sequence of choices by free will, and therefore happiness is simply determined depending on how we make the best choice like "smiling" instead of "crying", "loving" instead of "hating". It sounds plausible, but I shortly realized this teaching is totally opposite to Christianity.

We Christians know we live out not by human wisdom but by God's grace. I know I am not able to make the best choice by my own wisdom at all. This article was suggestive of Gnosticism as well as Buddhism that, strictly speaking, would be certainly heretical and ultimately detrimental to my Christian life. I firmly believe any problem in our lives cannot be resolved by human wisdom, rather the only solution is to believe in Jesus Christ as He sent me the Holy Spirit as my Counselor.
